What is Ceylon Sapphire?
Ceilão was the name given to Sri Lanka by the Portuguese when they colonised the country in 1505, which was then called Zeylan by the Dutch and later transliterated to English as Ceylon when Britain colonised the land in 1798. Although the country gained independence in 1948 it was known as Ceylon until it was officially named ‘Sri Lanka’ in 1972. Sapphires from Sri Lanka are still fondly referred to as Ceylon Sapphires and are widely used in sapphire engagement rings and other fine jewellery for their alluring colours and durability. Sri Lanka (formally called “Ceylon”) is still the top producer of fine untreated stones in the world. Most of the sapphires that are found in gem producing locations are worthless; and need to be treated to be marketable. Good quality sapphires over 2cts are scarce.
Luminosity, allure and radiance of natural Ceylon sapphires will continue to capture the hearts of many around the world. In 2003, blue sapphire was declared as the national gemstone of Sri Lanka.
Throughout history there have been three famous sources for blue sapphire stone: Burma, Kashmir and Sri Lanka, which was known as Ceylon until 1972. Sri Lanka, or Ceylon, has been the most prolific producer of sapphires out of the three.
Sapphires are mined all over the world. The oldest sapphire mines are located in Sri Lanka (formerly known as Ceylon), where gemstones were mined in ancient times.
Why Ceylon Sapphire is so special?
Sri Lanka’s gem mining history is at least 2,500 years old, if not more, and was once referred to as Rathnadweepa, which means ‘Gem Island’ in Sinhalese. Persian traders called the country Serendip as term of endearment; presumable due to the riches and magnificent treasures that can be found on the island which lead to happiness and good fortune.
Ceylon Sapphires are famous for their vibrant medium blue hues.
Sri Lanka is the only place where you can find a seemingly never-ending supply of high-quality gemstones. It also has the largest density of gemstone deposits in relation the size of the country, with 90% of the landmass made out of gemstone bearing Pre-Cambrian rock.
As we mentioned, the country produces a variety of different gems, sapphire is their most famous gemstone. They produce virtually all colors of sapphire too like the glowing yellow sapphires. The rarest of all are the ones known as Padparadscha, a word derived from the Sanskrit, meaning Lotus Color, a name it earned thanks to the vibrant coral tones of the gemstone. Light to medium blue sapphires are the most desired of blue sapphires from Ceylon and generally bring a higher price tag amongst all other blue color sapphires. This color was referred to as ‘cornflower blue’ in the past.
Sri Lanka Ceylon Sapphire mines
The island of Sri Lanka, located in the Indian Ocean, has perfected the mining of gemstones for thousands of years. Among other things, especially rare and fine sapphires are mined there. Sri Lanka is the oldest deposit of sapphires. These are known worldwide for their fine quality.
The island is called "Rathna Deepa" in the native language, which means "land of gemstones". The name stands for the wealth of this rare natural treasure. It is believed that gemstones can be found on almost a quarter of Sri Lanka's surface.
This makes the island one of the richest in gemstones in the world. The occurrence is important for the local industry and gives the country a great importance in international trade.
Sri Lanka has lots of gem mines.
Ceylon Sapphire Price
Prices of sapphires, like diamonds, are priced per carat. But unlike in diamonds, where there is a diamond price chart, there is no official price chart for Ceylon sapphires (or any other sapphire for that matter).
With that in mind, the result is that the price tolerance, the price differences, between one sellers to another are greater. Also, most Ceylon sapphires that you’ll see on the market are not certified so it is harder to compare qualities or in other words - comparing apples to apples.
As a result, the price of a 1 carat Ceylon sapphire ranges from about $300 to $1,500 and a 2 carat costs between $1,000 and $4,000. These are huge gaps.
Uses of Ceylon Sapphire
- Sapphires are known as the stones of wisdom and serenity. They are used to release mental tension and dispel depression. They are believed to facilitate meditation, calm the mind, and provide the mental clarity required to surmount obstacles.
- Most of used Ceylon sapphire for make jewelleries.
Ceylon Sapphire jewellery
Used for Lots of jewellery make,
- Ceylon sapphire rings.
- Ceylon sapphire pendants.
- Ceylon sapphire necklace.
- Ceylon sapphire bracelets & many more.
Varieties of Ceylon Sapphire
Specific colors of sapphires are believed to have additional attributes.
01.Star Sapphires
Exceptional for their protective qualities; the rays of the star represent faith, hope, and destiny.
02.Yellow Sapphires
Bring prosperity, stimulate the intellect, and remove toxins from the body.
03.White Sapphires
Open the crown chakra, which elevates spirituality and cosmic consciousness.
04.Blue Sapphires
Especially effective for chakra healing—especially the throat chakra. They are a good stone for those who are intent on finding spiritual truth.
05.Purple Sapphires
Improve meditation and psychic abilities. They are also effective in calming overwrought emotions.
06.Green Sapphires
Stimulate the heart chakra improving one’s capacity for compassion, loyalty, and trust in others. They also enhance your ability to recall dreams.
07.Pink Sapphires
Remove emotional stumbling blocks and illuminate the path to higher consciousness. They attract positive elements into your life.
08.Black Sapphires
Build both careers and the power of intuition.