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Something as simple as tracking Google searches can reveal the rise and fall of the world's many languages, as this new Google Trends interactive reveals.
The interactive includes data since 2004 in nine cities: Berlin, Delhi, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, and Toronto.
The most-used language tends to be pretty intuitive, and Google lets you choose whether you want to see that. The interactive gets way more interesting once you hone in on changes in non-native languages. In New York, for example, Spanish was taken over by French in 2010 and 2011 before it settled into third place behind Japanese. That French would ever be used more in New York City than Spanish is quite incroyable to me.
I wanted to explore Japanese use in the other cities, so I looked at Japanese use by using the language-specific search (it's the second option in the interactive). New York landed in Japanese use behind Shanghai but ahead of London:
If you asked me to guess whether London, Toronto, or New York would tend to Google in Japanese the most, I wouldn't have had a clue on where to begin.
The mini-timelines for the nine cities are fun to watch, too. Consider that from 2009 through 2011, Portuguese kicked Spanish from the most-used search language spot in Madrid, Spain.
You may consider these factors when you list your products in silkports.com as traffic will come from different languages from search engines like google, bing..